
世界上的基督徒系列讲座, 由天使山研究所赞助, 是一个综合的学习项目吗, 为想要更深入地活出信仰的天主教徒祈祷和讨论. The program seeks to help participants gain a more profound underst和ing of the Scriptures 和 the Church, to support lay people in exploring how to live their baptismal vocation in everyday 生活.


世界上的基督徒 & 修道院的灵性


由Fr. 约翰·保罗·勒,OSB, Abbot Peter Eberle, OSB, Br. 安布罗斯·斯图尔特,OSB和Fr. 迈克尔·施拉姆,OSB.

毫不奇怪,僧侣是寺院精神的实践者. Might a monk’s spirituality have a broader reach, even being relevant for a Christian in the world? The four lectures of the winter/spring 2024 series will explore this question.


由Br领导. 安布罗斯·斯图尔特,OSB

Monastic spirituality as a guide for 生活 for every person is the theme for the winter/spring 2024 世界上的基督徒 series. 第一讲的题目是“什么是寺院精神”?” The focus is on the Desert Fathers – those 3rd 和 4th century monks who first fled to the Egyptian desert in search of God.

讲座的前半部分考虑了 生活 圣安东尼,“所有修道士之父”,和收集 沙漠之父的语录. 在后半段,我们来看 圣Pachomius, 集体修道之父, 还有圣约翰·卡西安, 谁的 研究院 和 会议 synthesized the wisdom of the Egyptian desert 和 transmitted it to the Latin West.

所有这一切的统一主题是圣经. The desire to radically embody Scripture in their lives consumed these early monks. This desire is just as relevant for Christians in the World today as it was for the 4th century desert-dwellers.

下载PDF档案 为音频文件附带的文本 什么是寺院精神?



在他的演讲中, 修道精神:一起走向永生的旅程,修道院院长彼得解释了修道院社区生活的结构, 它的目的, how learning about the spirituality of community 生活 can help lay people live out their Christian vocation. 他的演讲部分将基于《葡萄新京》第72章. 本尼迪克特:

“……那么,这就是僧侣们必须用热烈的爱来培养的良好热情: 他们每个人都应该努力成为第一个尊重对方的人 (罗马书12:10), supporting with the greatest patience one another’s weaknesses of body or behavior, 并且彼此切切的争竞顺服. 没有人应该追求他认为对自己更好的东西, 而是, 他认为对别人更好的东西. 他们的僧侣同伴, they show the pure love of brothers; to God, loving fear; to their abbot, 真诚谦卑的爱. Let them prefer nothing whatever to Christ, may he bring us all together to everlasting 生活.”


由Fr领导. 约翰·保罗·勒,OSB

在这个世界上的基督徒讲座中,神父. John Paul Le will explore monastic spirituality from the perspective of 祈祷 和 how this 祈祷 can enrich the 生活 of a Christian living in the world. 他演讲的第一部分将着重于 lectio长诗, 古代修道院里虔诚地诵读圣经的习俗. 几个世纪以来, monks developed this method of reading the Scriptures which can be broken down into four steps: reading, 冥想, 祈祷, 和沉思.

The theme of the second part of the lecture is the Liturgy of the 小时 (or Divine Office), 教会的祈祷. St. Benedict calls this rhythm of chanting the psalms 和 other Scriptures the “Work of God.” Through the Liturgy of the 小时, we unite ourselves to Christ in his eternal 祈祷 to the Father.

Monastic spirituality: Reaching out to 和 being formed by the world around us.

由Fr领导. 迈克尔·施拉姆,OSB

The presentations are held in the Abbey library auditorium from 9:15 to 11:45 am.

You may register at the door at the event or use the online registration form below.

For more information about 世界上的基督徒, please call Mary Ann Amsberry at 503.769.3844.




论政治与爱情:向莎士比亚学习. 由Fr. 斯蒂芬·罗文博士

莎士比亚的戏剧从创作之日起就占据了舞台. 1590-1610) because people have found that they speak to the heart about topics that concern them deeply.

In 理查三世, 历史与悲剧, Shakespeare shows how a deeply-flawed man becomes a tyrant 和 how his conscience – 和 the consciences of an aroused people – take him down.

In 皆大欢喜, 一部关于恋爱中的人们的喜剧, Shakespeare looks beyond clichés 和 commonplaces to examine how love can hope to avoid the extremes of sentimentality 和 cynicism in order to survive over time.

这四场演讲的重点是莎士比亚的智慧, 世界上最伟大的剧作家和诗人之一, 提供给所有人,尤其是世界上的基督徒.



爱教会,爱礼仪, 由执事欧文·卡明斯主持, was a series of presentations intended to lead participants to a deeper underst和ing of the Eucharistic liturgy. Deacon Cummings invited participants to take a fresh look at the Church’s renewal initiated by the Second Vatican Council, 使礼仪成为我们天主教徒生活的核心.


  • 梵蒂冈二世60岁
  • 什么是礼拜仪式?
  • 教皇方济各和礼拜仪式



2022年秋季的《集团有限公司官网》系列,由Br. 托马斯·巴特里克,O.S.B.他考虑了诗篇中自然的形象.

Beauty 和 the Search for God: A Conversation with Monk Artists of Mount Angel

The spring 2022 CITW lecture was a live-streamed panel discussion with four monks of 安吉尔山修道院 about faith 和 beauty. 小组成员中有三位僧侣艺术家. Fr. Vincent Trujillo is a master calligrapher; Fr. Teresio Caldwell is a musician 和 composer; Fr. 新手杰克·施拉姆(Jack Shrum)写图标,并在Br. 克劳德·莱恩. 第四位演讲人是Br. 安塞尔姆·弗洛雷斯(Anselm Flores)在法国工作. Nathan Zodrow, the art curator at Mount Angel, is part of the monks’ art docent program. 主持讨论的是Br. 托马斯Buttrick.

For Benedictines, art 和 culture are integral to living a fully human, Christian 生活. Art is what happens when a person or community faithfully lives the Rule of St. 本尼迪克特与故意. 这就是为什么,院长杰里米·德里斯科尔说.S.B.,“修道院给人一种感觉. 在安吉尔山的感觉很棒. 建筑是什么样子并不是无所谓的, 墙上挂的是什么艺术品啊, 每个礼拜仪式都选择了什么样的音乐. All that constitutes our environment creates a beautiful cultural environment, a unique Mount Angel monastic environment where arts 和 culture are accessible 和 to all who come.”


Dr. 杰夫•汤普森, 在亚基马执业的心理治疗师, 华盛顿, 和安吉尔山修道院的一个扁形, presents the Fall 2021 世界上的基督徒 program in a three-part video series titled, 一本治疗手册:本笃会灵性的治疗价值

我们是按照神的形象和样式被造的, 然而,在某些时候,我们意识到我们还没有完全达到目标. Along the way, we have lost our sense of this self, made to be in the image of God. St. 本尼迪克特,在他的神圣法则中,提供了一条治愈之路. 他告诉我们:“归向神.“根据他的神圣规则,圣. 本笃为我们提供了一个过程,使我们回到上帝的整体.

1. 我们是如何走到这一步的? St. 本笃与自我的起源
2. 我们现在在哪里?? 自我的紊乱
3. 我们如何到达目的地? 自我的修复

The original presentation was livestreamed from Mount Angel in the fall of 2021. 可供 在Abbey的YouTube频道上重播.


2021年春季基督徒世界讲座, 在新冠疫情时期培养僧人: What Monastic Life Can Teach Us About Coping, 是关于如何应对COVID-19限制措施的小组讨论吗, 对于一些, 一段时间去发现他们内心的沉思, 他们的“内心的和尚”.” Br. 以色列·桑切斯,O.S.B.他主持了与俄勒冈州方丈彼得·埃伯利(Peter Eberle)的小组讨论.S.B., Br. 托马斯·巴特里克,O.S.B.安吉尔山供奉着苏珊娜·考夫曼和迈齐·雷德纳.

最初的演讲于2021年5月8日在安吉尔山进行了直播. 可供 在Abbey的YouTube频道上重播.


2020年秋季的《葡萄新京》系列探讨了但丁的故事 神曲, an allegory about the soul’s development from being stuck in sin to being free. 这三节课, 地狱, 炼狱, 天堂,由Fr. 斯蒂芬·罗文, STB,博士,都可以观看 Mount Angel的YouTube频道.

Fr注释. 斯蒂芬·罗文

但丁是世界上的基督徒. In his case, it was the world of the 13th-14th century Florence, Tuscany, northern Italy. 他伟大的著作《 神曲, 是通往他世界的窗口吗, showing us characters 谁的 actions earned them a place in one of three states of 生活 after their time on earth: Hell, 炼狱, 或天堂.

如果只是这样,那 喜剧 会不会只对古物学家或求知者感兴趣. 但是, 喜剧 也是一面反映我们时代的镜子吗, showing how Christians in the world can find themselves — even now — under conditions that are very much like Hell, 炼狱, 或天堂. 我们的时代, 不亚于但丁的, 被贪婪所困扰, 嫉妒, pride; like Dante, we have seen abuses of power in state 和 church; we, 太, have wondered how we 和 our society can become “unstuck” from a tangled up state of soul 和 find a way out.

但丁的 喜剧 is a way of speaking — an allegory — about the soul’s development from being stuck in sin to being free; from being lost to finding its true home; from fumbling in the dark to living with love in the light. 最终,在整个过程中,这是一个充满希望的旅程.
通过对但丁的主题和叙事风格的一些指导 神曲, which Dante intended to be a saving message for his own time, can serve the same purpose in ours.

Fr. 斯蒂芬·罗文